
On an average day

  • I am the full-time senior communications advisor of the health care division for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC)
  • I am operating my part-time editorial freelance business of fiction and poetry manuscripts for authors from all around the globe
  • I am researching, writing, revising and editing my next novel (when I find the time)
  • I am exercising when and when not to use the Oxford comma (depending on the public relations and publishing industry standards)

Here’s a bit more about me

I am a graduate of Kent State University’s School of Journalism and Mass Communication with a master’s in public relations and The State University of New York College (SUNY) at Plattsburgh with a bachelor’s in public relations.

Growing up with an appreciation for storytelling has significantly developed my aspirations. My passion flourishes through my current and previous experiences, my editorial freelance business and the array of books I’ve written (fiction and non-fiction).

For more than three years during undergrad, I was the editorial assistant supervisor and administrative assistant for the Saranac Review, an internationally published literary journal processed through SUNY Plattsburgh. There, I learned I enjoy mentoring, managing and delegating others. In my last semester of undergrad, Cardinal PR, a student-run PR firm, appointed me executive board secretary. In this role, I managed and delegated 16 junior account executives with my fellow executive board members.

In my previous role at Child Care Services Association, I am grateful to have mentored, managed, delegated and inspired communications interns each academic semester as well as the development/communications associate. My leadership style is warm, welcoming, resourceful and encouraging, according to previous interns. You can read their testimony under “Recommendations” here.

During the last two years of undergrad, I worked part-time, attended school full-time and managed up to three public relations campaigns with Cardinal PR, Shine On! and the Ted K. Center. Thanks to my excellent time and project management skills, I graduated on the Dean’s List my last semester and launched three successful campaigns during my undergraduate career.

Those skills assisted me from January 2017 to December 2018. I worked full-time at Carolina Ear & Hearing Clinic, Carolina Ear Research Institute and Camp Woodbine while editorial freelancing part-time and attending graduate school online full-time. I can proudly say I graduated with a 3.64 GPA in my master’s program.

On top of all of that, I still editorial freelance part-time now while working full-time for Blue Cross NC. I pride myself on how far I’ve grown in my successes and am eager to see where I’ll grow next.